Category Archives for Mental Wellbeing

How People Maintain Mental Problems

How People Maintain Mental Problems Posted on June 5th, 2013 Categories: Depression Tags: behavior, negative thoughts Photo by Marty.FM Your thoughts, beliefs and interpretations about yourself, and situations in which you find yourself in have a strong influence on your emotional reactions and behavior. Sometimes, thoughts and beliefs can become negative and grow out of proportion. If […]

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Dimensions of Psychological Well-Being

Six Dimensions of Psychological Well-Being   Posted on January 10th, 2013 Categories: Psychology, Happiness Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: Many of my personal qualities trouble me enough that I wish I could change them. I feel isolated and frustrated in interpersonal relationships. When making important decisions, I rely on the judgments of others. Often […]

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Effects of Nutrition On Mental Health

“You are what you eat” is the most strict idiom that defines the effects of nutrition on mental health. That being said, there is a strong belief that what you eat plays an important role in your mental wellbeing. But is this true or not?

What Effects Does Nutrition Have On Mental Wellbeing?

Recent as well as previous researches have proven that nutrition (or the lack of it) does have effects on how a person’s brain functions, his moods and his behaviors.

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Do I Need a Mental Wellbeing Tutor?

Have you ever need a tutor? What about a mental wellbeing tutor? If no, think again after answering the following questions in this article.

With extreme emotional issues, we often have no problem deciding whether we need to see a tutor or counselor; however, with a slight discomfort, a few bad days, we can’t always make that decision.

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What is Mental Wellbeing?

Contrary to most of the people think, mental wellbeing is not just the absence of mental disorders. Most people think that mental health only applies to those people who have diagnosable mental disorders. The truth is all of us should be concerned about our mental well being. It is our basis of being healthy. It is the holistic approach to health. In fact, many people adhere to the belief that mental health is the core of healthiness. Health starts and ends with mental health. It encompasses everything and it is everybody’s business.

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The Well-Being Star

The Well-Being Star   Posted on February 6th, 2013 Categories: Happiness, Psychology Well-being is a term that we use to describe the quality of our life, which includes wealth, environment, physical and mental health, education,leisure time, social belonging, and a sense of purpose in life. When you think about your own well-being, what comes to your […]

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Debugging Beliefs and Eliminating Inaccuracies

Although it’s very hard to know when your beliefs are accurate, it isn’t as difficult to detect inaccuracies, so focus your improvement efforts there for starters. Symptoms of inaccurate beliefs include chronic procrastination, mixed emotions, lying, self-sabotage, setting goals that fizzle, fear of failure, fear of rejection, timidity, depression, anger, frustration, resentment, and wearing excessively baggy pants where the crotch is down to your knees (you do NOT look cool in those; you look like a dolt).

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