A List for More Pleasure And Joy To Your Life

Simple Steps To Experience More Happiness

  • Assume positive intent of others
  • Exercise
  • Get more sleep
  • When getting home from work, the first thing you tell your partner is the best thing that happened that day
  • Move closer to where you work
  • Random acts of kindness — randomly pay for someone’s drive thru order behind you
  • Think of something you use everyday, make sure it is the best quality you can afford, and maintain it at top quality
  • Walk at least 30 minutes a day
  • Stop comparing yourself to others
  • Remove advertising from your life
  • Get a dog
  • Smile for yourself
  • Smile at others
  • Give more and expect less
  • Help the people around you
  • Get enough sunlight
  • Know when to quit
  • Replace negative people in your life with positive people
  • Watch comedy
  • Eat chocolate
  • Distribute food to poor children
  • Dance
  • Listen to music
  • Cuddle
  • Sit by the sea
  • Play with pets
  • Show gratitude for the good things you have
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Journaling
  • Watch Dan Gilbert: The surprising science of happiness

Source: Quora

Photo by Mallu2007

Pleasure Activities

  1. Create a list of activities you do for pleasure or you get a sense of achievement from. Try to think of more each day and add to the list.
  2. Make note of how each activity makes you feel.
  3. Find time to complete some of these tasks every day.
  4. If there are some activities that you can’t yet do, but want to do, put them on your “really want to do soon” list.

Examples of fun activities to help get started

  1. Listening to music
  2. Playing soccer
  3. Playing golf
  4. Having a bath
  5. Going for a swim
  6. Going for a job
  7. Watching a movie
  8. Watching favourite TV show
  9. Going shopping
  10. Going bowling
  11. Working on car/bike
  12. Sex
  13. Reading poetry
  14. Cooking
  15. Surfing
  16. Playing video games
  17. Have coffee at a café
  18. Riding bike
  19. Playing pool/billiards
  20. Looking at photos
  21. Bushwalks
  22. Playing volleyball
  23. Picnics
  24. Playing cards
  25. Discussing politics
  26. Playing with pets
  27. Woodworking
  28. Getting a massage
  29. Watching a sporting event
  30. Hobbies (e.g., collecting things)
  31. Going horse riding
  32. Lying in the sun
  33. Talking to others
  34. Camping
  35. Going on holiday
  36. Going to the beach
  37. Going fishing
  38. Having a relaxed evening
  39. Debating
  40. Going to the zoo/aquarium
  41. Eating
  42. Going to the gym
  43. Playing cricket
  44. Playing hockey
  45. Driving
  46. Doing jigsaws
  47. Buying things
  48. Playing basketball
  49. Doing martial arts
  50. Playing netball
  51. Yoga
  52. Playing squash
  53. Playing tennis
  54. Going surfing
  55. Photography
  56. Surfing the net
  57. Getting hair done
  58. Kissing
  59. Going to museums and galleries
  60. Going to church, synagogue, temple, or mosque
  61. Throwing parties
  62. Going to parties
  63. Exercise
  64. Having a meal with friends
  65. Singing
  66. Going sailing
  67. Praying
  68. Going to concerts or plays
  69. Sewing
  70. Working
  71. Reading books
  72. Playing board games
  73. Volunteering
  74. Having a BBQ
  75. Eating out
  76. Acting
  77. Cleaning
  78. Meditating
  79. Playing with children
  80. Sleeping
  81. Gardening
  82. Going canoeing
  83. Painting/drawing
  84. Skating
  85. Skiing
  86. Writing
  87. Reading newspaper
  88. Dancing
  89. Rock climbing
  90. Doing crosswords/word games

Credit (CC4): staroversky.com/blog/how-to-add-more-pleasure-and-joy-to-your-life

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